Wesley’s Pipe Organ

Wesley’s Pipe Organ

The George Clifton Bryant Memorial Organ

Skinner Organ Company, Boston, MA Op. 615
Built September, 1926 to April, 1927
Pitman & Unit Electro-pneumatic action throughout

Tonal alterations by G. Donald Harrison
Æolian-Skinner Organ Company, Boston, MA
Op. 615-A, 615-B. Spring-Summer, 1955

Mechanical rebuilding, releathering, & other tonal changes by
Berkshire Organ Company, Inc.,  West Springfield, MA, 1970-1972

Console Refurbishing, during 2000, and on-going restoration work by
Messrs. Czelusniak et Dugal, Inc., Northampton, MA

GREAT: 61 notes, manual II (18 ranks)

Quintaton 16′ (1955 Harrison, from First Open)
Diapason 8′ (1926 Second Diapason 8′)
Erzahler 8′
Rohr Flute 8′ (1972 Berkshire)
*String Celeste II 8′
Octave 4′
Harmonic Flute 4′
Fifteenth 2′
Mixture IV
Sesquialtera II (TC) (1972 Berkshire)
* Ophicleide 16′
* Tuba 8′
* Clarion 4′
Chimes (From echo)
Harp (From Choir) 8′
Celesta (From Choir) 4′

* (enclosed with Solo, on high pressure)

SWELL: 73 notes, manual III, 24 ranks, enclosed

Bourdon 16′
Diapason 8′
Gamba 8′
Voix Celeste II 8′
Gedeckt 8′
Flauto Dolce 8′
Flute Celeste 8′ (TC)
Octave 4′
Violina 4′
Flute 4′
Flautino 2′
Mixture III
Mixture IV
Waldhorn 16′
Cornopean 8′
Flugel Horn 8′
Vox Humana 8′
Clarion 4′

CHOIR: 73 notes, manual I, 12 ranks, enclosed

Gamba 16′
Gedeckt 8′ (1972 Berkshire)
Kleine Erzahler II 8′
Flute 4′ (harmonic)
Nazard 2 2/3′
Fifteenth 2′ (1972 Berkshire)
Carillon III (1972 Berkshire Scharf)
Orchestral Oboe 8′
Clarinet 8′
Harp 8′ (61 metal bars)
Celesta (ext.) 4′

SOLO: 73 notes, manual IV, 6 ranks, enclosed

Entirely original division
Gamba 8′
Gamba Celeste 8′
Orchestral Flute 8′
French Horn 8′
English Horn 8′
Tuba Mirabilis 8′ (20″ wind pressure)

ECHO (& ANTIPHONAL): 73 notes, manual IV, 5 ranks, enclosed in rear gallery of church

Diapason 8′
Chimney Flute 8′
Fern Flute 4′
Tromba 8′
Vox Humana 8′
Chimes (25 Deagan tubes)

PEDAL: 32 notes (8 ranks)

Resultant Diapason 32′ (open wood)
Bourdon 32′
Diapason 16′
Contra bass 16′ (renamed in 2000 from Principal 16′)
Bourdon 16′ (extension of 32′)
Violone 16′
Gamba 16′ (Choir)
Echo Bourdon 16′ (Swell)
Gross Quint 10 2/3′ (wired in 2000 from Bourdon)
Octave 8′ (extension of Contrabass)
Gedeckt 8′ (extension of 32′)
Still Gedeckt 8′ (Swell)
Quint 5 1/3′ (wired in 2000 from Contrabass)
Super Octave 4′ (extension of Contrabass, original name restored in 2000)
Flute 4′ (extension of 32′)
Mixture IV (1955 Harrison Mixture III
Trombone 16′
Waldhorn 16′ (Swell)
Tromba 8′ (extension of Trombone)
Clarion 4′ (extension of Trombone)
Chimes (Echo)

COUPLERS by tablets:

Swell to Pedal 8′, 4′
Great to Pedal 8′
Choir to Pedal 8′, 4′
Solo to Pedal 8′, 4′
Pedal 4′

Swell to Great 8′
Choir to Great 8′
Solo to Great 8′
Swell to Choir 8′
Solo to Choir 8′
Solo to Swell 8′
Swell to Solo 8′
Great to Solo 8′

Swell 16′, Unison Off, 4′
Swell to Great 16′, 4′
Swell to Choir 16′, 4′
Choir 16′, Unison Off, 4′
Choir to Great 16′, 4′
Solo 16′, Unison Off, 4′
Solo to Great 16′, 4′
Solo to Swell 16′, 4′
Great Unison Off, 4′


General combination thumb pistons and toe studs 1-10
Great divisional thumb pistons 1-6
Swell divisional thumb pistons 1-8
Choir divisional thumb pistons 1-7
Solo & Echo divisional thumb pistons 1-8
Pedal divisional toe studs 1-6

Solo to pedal reversible thumb piston
Swell to pedal reversible thumb piston and toe lever
Great to pedal reversible thumb piston and toe lever
Choir to pedal reversible thumb piston
Sforzando reversible thumb piston and toe lever with indicator lamp

SET thumb piston
SCOPE thumb piston
General Cancel thumb piston

All Swells to Swell toe lever with indicator lamp
“Folds” expression selector button for Echo division
Zimbelstern On-Off buttons
Echo/Both/Solo/Cancel selector buttons determine Manual IV operation

Balanced Choir Expression Pedal
Balanced Swell Expression Pedal
Balanced Solo Expression Pedal
Crescendo Pedal with indicator lamp

Solid State Logic organ-operating Multi-System
SSL Capture Combination Action System with 25 memory levels, individually programmable
SCOPE function permits assignment of function to each piston on each memory level
Crescendo options: Standard (default) and A, B, and C settable in 30 stages with indicator
MIDI record-playback function with Yamaha MDF-3 unit