About Wesley

About Wesley

Wesley UMC is a downtown church, located in Worcester. It is a multi-ethnic congregation involved in urban ministry. Built between 1925 and 1927, it has a large facility that also houses a Korean congregation. Wesley’s urban context and multicultural identity make for a challenging yet exciting ministry.

  • Mission Statement: Our mission is to the make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the church and the world.
  • Values and Passions: We are engaged in a fruitful ministry that is informed by a commitment to the values of spiritual growth, hospitality and inclusion, diversity and multiculturalism, mission and outreach, and lay leadership development and empowerment.
  • Vision Statement: We are called to create a sanctuary culture whereby all feel welcomes, loved, accepted, valued and affirmed through intentional expressions of empathy, compassion, generosity, hospitality and inclusion.
  • Senior Pastor: Rev. Byungmoo Lee (aka Moo)
  • Worship: We celebrate a worship service Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. Wesley currently requires masks and distancing for everyone in the sanctuary during the worship service. Wesley follows CDC mask guidelines at post-worship fellowship time and other events in the church building.
  • Annual Harvest: The annual harvest follows the African traditions of offering to God the first fruits of harvest of crops to support the work of the church. Since we are an urban church and not agricultural community, Wesley’s harvest is a fund raising ceremony whose funds contributes approximately 8-10% to the operating budget.
  • Annual Conference: We are a member of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church.