Christian Education & Formation

Christian Education & Formation

Here at Wesley United Methodist Church, Christian formation is an ongoing and life-long process, one that begins at birth. Our ministries of Christian Education and Formation seek to provide multiple opportunities and a safe environment for people to participate in the life of the congregation where they are informed, formedand transformedas disciples of Jesus Christ. Opportunities such as Sunday School, Bible Studies, and Small Groups are the primary vehicles through which Christian Education and Formation may take place, although not exclusively.

Current programs and opportunities for Christian Education and Formation are listed below. More frequent updates are posted in the monthly Wesley Herald and the weekly Announcements. .

Formation for children

Sunday School: Sundays during the worship service 10:00 am-11:30 am.

Sunday School is an Education program that provides an environment for children and youth to be nurtured in the faith and grow in the faith; that creates experiences that support children and youth in the knowledge and awareness of God; that provides opportunities to support children in discovering, developing, and sharing their unique gifts from God; and to model God’s unconditional love for all God’s children. For more information, please contact Nan Gibbons.

Formation for Youth
  • Youth Group meets selected Sundays after the worship service.
  • Confirmation classes are designed for students in 7thgrade through 12thgrade. Confirmation is for students who are interested in personally professing the Christian faith. Students are educated about the basic tenets of the Christian faith, including the history and teachings of Methodism, and students are introduced to practices for spiritual formation and discipleship. For more information, please contact the Pastor.
Formation for Adults
  • Sunday School: Sundays, 9:00 am-10:00 am.
  • Bible Studies & Small Groups: Numerous and varied opportunities are available at Wesley for Bible Study and Christian Formation. There are weekly and seasonal Bible Studies that are on-going throughout the year. There are small groups that meet for study and covenant time… including a men’s group, a women’s group retreat, and a Disciples Study Group. Additionally, we have four other Spiritual Practices ½-day retreats Fall, Advent, Lent, and Eastertide.