Music @ Wesley

Music @ Wesley

Rehearsals (in the choir room)
Wesley Choir:  Sundays, 11:15 am – 12:15 pm (Summer’s off)
Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm 

Sunday morning
10:00 am
(warm-up in the Sanctuary at 9:00 am)

Check out our upcoming special services!

Music has always been a strong tradition at Wesley United Methodist Church. The organ was considered in the construction of the building, and has a top-notch acoustic for choral music with organ. We are also privileged to own a Steinway 9′ Concert Grand Piano from 2000, gift of Rev. Roland and Chloe Sundberg.

Click to learn more about Wesley’s Pipe Organ

In worship

The Wesley Choirs take an active leadership role in all worship services, leading the singing of hymns, both old and new, and presenting choral anthems that give deep biblical texts a rich spiritual presentation. Anthems are chosen from a rich and diverse heritage: from ancient motets of the Middle Ages (when sacred choral music began) to music being written today. There are also opportunities to sing exciting musical praise in the African tradition, an outgrowth of Wesley’s unique multicultural congregation.

public concerts

The Wesley Choirs have an ongoing tradition of singing choral masterworks in a concert setting. For example, during 2006, the Requiem of Maurice Duruflé was presented, with guest organist and soloist. For each major event, guest singers are invited to be part of the choir; rehearsal times are separate. Our Ghanian choir annually participates in the National Choir Conference of Ghanaian Methodist Choirs in North America.

But I’ve never sung before!

Joining one of the Wesley Choirs is a perfect opportunity, then! The choirs are a non-auditioned, completely volunteer organization. In-experienced singers benefit by being in a totally relaxed “learn-by-doing” atmosphere, standing among choristers who have been singing for years.

To the Glory of God

Choir rehearsals are times of worship and spiritual renewal, and the choirs @ Wesley are a close-knit family of singers. Devotions and prayers are shared regularly, and a special emphasis on praying the anthems’ texts leads us into worship with the burdens of working on the music left behind. Each offering of the Wesley Choirs is presented to the glory of God alone.