Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

Wesley youth with decorated calendars for Lent (March 2018)
our purpose

Personal development is a large component of what we do in Youth Group. We work through a curriculum that helps them work through developing their own Christian faith and spiritual practices that will prepare them to be grounded while away in college and beyond. Our meetings this year were combination of spiritual lessons, studying Bible verses, and discussing how the lesson is applied to today’s modern life. Youth Group meetings devote time to checking-in with each youth through our roundtable discussion of weekly praises and challenges.

Community Service

The Wesley Youth hosted two community suppers, participated in the Worcester Walk for the Homeless, sent homemade Christmas cards to the sick and shut in, and created gratitude jars to share with their families during the holiday season. The youth continue to be eager to serve the church and the community and are figuring out ways to make a larger impact during Sunday worship.


Join us!

Youth Group (grades 6 – 12) meets 1st and 3rd Sundays, 12noon – 1:00pm